Refelecting on Discrimination

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P6 Describe ways of reflecting on and challenging discriminatory issues in health and social care M3 Analyse how personal beliefs and value systems may influence own anti-discriminatory practice 1. Write this as ONE essay. 2. Describe how we watched ‘A Class Divided’ (Blue eyes, brown eyes experiment) in class together. Describe how we paused it and discussed and debated what was happening as a class and in pairs. 3. Define ‘reflecting’. Then describe how what you did in class IS a way of reflecting on discrimination. Describe the conversations you had and things you realised from watching the programme and discussing it. 4. Describe how you used the handouts ED06 and ED07 to reflect on discriminatory issues. 5. Describe the handout that had the discriminatory scenarios (ED74) – describe how you identified why they are discriminatory with your peers and how you would go about challenging them. (Think about policies and reporting things to a manager etc). 6. The rest of the essay is described on the assignment brief: ii) Identify how you would go about challenging a discriminatory remark from one of the following: A child of 3 ½ in a nursery makes a racist remark A teenager in a foster home makes a homophobic remark A man of 42 makes a sexist remark in hospital while waiting for a heart bypass operation A woman of 84 makes a racist remark in a residential care home. For your scenario answer the following questions: Explain what you would do in the short term Explain what you would do in the long term Describe any difficulties you can envisage in challenging the remark because of things to do with you Describe any difficulties you can envisage specific to the age of the client, the care setting or any other

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