Reasons Why Americans Wrote The Declaration Of Independence

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The reasons why the colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence are innumerable. Before the Declaration of Independence, cutting off their trade with all parts of the world except Britain was accepted and so was the imposing of taxes on them without their consent. Transporting them beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses and depriving them in many cases was also an action done before the Declaration of Independence. Not to mention, quartering a large body of troops among the colonist. In effect, the above reasons led colonists to write the Declaration of Independence. Before the Declaration of Independence taxes were being pressed against the colonists without their consent, including: The Sugar Act,…show more content…
Apart from the colonist being harassed with taxes, their trade with all parts of the world except Britain was another reason why the colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence. The illegal imposition of rules over their trade and production, commonly known as the Navigation Acts, which have been pressed on them for over a century and made worse by the Sugar Act and Townshend Acts was controlled once the Declaration of Independence was written and signed. Furthermore, the colonists were being deprived in many cases. The Boston Massacre was when a mob of 50 colonists gathered to protest against the officials. As fists and clubs began flying a soldier dropped dead, this forced the soldiers to fire, killing five civilians and wounding six. Colonists were also being deprived from local political rights and independence. Apart from being deprived they were transported by sea to be tried for pretended offenses. In 1774 Parliamentary resolution declared that colonists accused of treason could be tried in Britain. This not only limited their options, but, denied from the colonists being tried in their country. In addition, another unfair act towards the colonist that caused them to write

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