Revolutionary War- Economic Origin

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The conflict between Britain and its American colonies was greatly affected by the French and Indian War. During the war, the British did not want the New England or Middle colonies to export any supplies to anyone but them or the West Indies. The British felt this way because the American shippers liked this way of trade because they were able to get things the West Indies and Britain could not offer them, and Britain did not want to lose money that the American colonies brought in for them. Thus said, economics was a major origin of the Revolutionary War. There were many economic reasons why there was turmoil before the Revolutionary War, which ultimately helped lead to the war. The Navigation Law of 1650 was passed to stop the Dutch shippers from trading with the Americans. The Navigation Law took away most of the trade that the colonists had. The Sugar Act was a tax on the colonists, passed in order to raise money for the war debts that Britain had incurred from the war. The Sugar Act made sugar have a higher price and took away food supplies from the colonists. The Stamp Act was passed in order to raise revenue to support a military in the colonies. The Stamp Act made anyone who had a printed document, have to have a stamp to make it legal, which took away more money from the colonists and greatly angered them. The Boston Massacre occurred after the Townshend Acts were passed. The worst of the Townshend Acts was the tax on tea, which on estimate tea was drank by at least one million people usually twice a day, and later caused the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Port Act, being the worst of all of the Intolerable Acts, was a law passed to close the harbor until all of the damages from the Boston Tea Party were paid off. Therefore, the Boston Port Act took away the colonists ability to trade and fish. With that being said, the conflict between
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