Reading Memories Essay

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Early Reading Memories I do not have an excessive amount of reading memories to jot down for this assignment, however I can think of a few. When I look back in time and attempt to remember reading as a child, there is one thing that pops into my head, "Dr. Suess". The rhythm and pace that follows his books made me giggle as child and want to read more. I will begin this essay as little munchkin, then progress to an elementary school reader, and finish off as the young adult I am today. I will always remember my mother and her reading, she was fascinated! She had an enormous book case filled and filled with books! She read anything between a gushy love novel and a suspenseful thriller. My mother was enthralled with books and could not get enough; she took them to work, on trips, pretty much anywhere. Seeing her read so much always gave me the thought that reading was good for the mind and soul! I never got to really ask her what it was about reading that she loved so much, and she passed away my senior year of high school, but the memories of her reading will always be with me. {RIP Mom 12-26-2007} Reading as a child provided the perfect time to cuddle up with mom or dad, and verbalize my newly learned knowledge as a kid. My absolute favorite thing to read as a youngster was Dr. Suess. The pictures and the silly stories kept me interested and wanting to read more. However, the very best thing about these books was the rhyming; the more it rhymed the better it was! After reading close to every Dr. Suess book possible, everything that I wrote had to rhyme. That must have been why I picked up writing poetry, because it held rhymes and rhythm. Even to this day I cannot bare to write a poem without it rhyming, it just does not carry as much as appeal (at least to me). While I cannot reiterate enough my love for Dr. Suess as a child, I also dabbled in some small
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