Rape Culture Essay

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Rape Culture – Objectivist Perspective I. Definition and Nature of the Social Problem - What is Rape Culture and Why Should You Be Concerned About It? Rape Culture is an idea that does not have a clear definition. Some people when asked to describe rape culture will simply describe rape but fail to explain the actual culture of it. Others will say that they can’t explain it, but they know it when they see it. Emilie Buchwald, the author of Transforming a Rape Culture describes rape culture as “a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women.” The people of a rape culture assume that violence is a fact of life when in reality it is not, and is actually the values and attitudes of a society, which are quite possible to change. Rather than teaching that people shouldn’t rape, they try to teach what to do to make it less likely that a rapist will choose you. The Marshall University Women’s Center explains that “Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.” America has objectified sex to the point where it’s more about reaching a goal of obtaining sex than it is about intimacy and emotions. According to Becky Lockwood, the associate director at a center for women, this causes people to see sex as a commodity, making them think it is okay to do whatever they deem necessary to acquire it, even if that means violence. Another factor of rape culture is that even though rape is legally a crime, it is the one crime in which such a large majority of survivors don’t feel like they can speak out and the only one where such a large majority of those that do are questioned about whether or not a crime was actually committed. People do not ask the
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