Date Rape: Annotated Bibliography

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Individual Project 2 Martha J. Austin Colorado University Online Annotated Bibliography May 30, 2011 date rape. (2000). In Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved from Therefore, from this source I was able to defined rape. It is the act or instance being rape by a man on a date with a woman. A sexual intercourse regarded as sexual assault or rape; sometimes she may be optimistic to drink excessively or subjected to under pressure. This source help an individual understand what the word rape means. Many times, it can be due to over drinking or being pressure into something that she did not wanted to do. Meaning if she says no, it means just that “NO” when a person goes beyond that word he is rapping a woman. Gender and Crime. (2002). In World of Criminal Justice, Gale. Retrieved from In some states it is not uncommon for a woman to call, the police for help when the partner assault her then ask the police not to lock him up. Furthermore, some advocacy groups exaggerate the…show more content…
The author argues, against those who would delegitimate such usage as persuasive redefinition, that what are at stake are different theories of the nature of rape. “Men in Groups: Collective Responsibility for Rape.” Hypatia 9, no. 2 (1994): 134-51. The authors criticize the following views: only the rapist is accountable since only he commit the act; no one is liable since assault is a biological response to stimuli; everyone is guilty since men and women contribute to the sexual assault culture; and patriarchy is reliable but no person or group. In closing, this source to end the project with even thought it disagreement pieces of information that can be argue. It is included for that reason to be
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