Quotes From 'My Father's Love Of Dance'

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Father's world - Coping with loss of wife - Work place problems which is causing hardship - Unable to provide for extended family - Emotional - copes with emotions with anger. - Working class to poverty. (tough) (intolerant of difference.) - Loves sons and wants what is best for them. Billy's world - Coping with loss of mother. - Less responsibilities - Family connection very strong - Internal conflict. Growing up His love of dance is a source of growing up because he will have to choose to go against his family and community to be happy. Juxtaposition with peacefulness from Billy's house playing piano to suddenly changed to coal strike scene where its loud and disruptive. The pressure to Billy "disgrace to…show more content…
While Billy and the girls are ballet dancing which shows art. Which also shows that Billy is transitioning to valuing family to ballet dancing. 'ideas for a dance' Blue lighting, soft music and silence. In this scene the audience gets the back story of his mom but also the audience sees how important family is to Billy. The close ups of Billy's face show the emotion. Blue light gives a nostalgic feeling and the music adds to the soft tone-gentle mood. Whilst dancing to "we love the boogie" it shows Billy's pure joy when dancing. These parts we are juxtaposed with father getting ready for bed. Then there is silence as he closes his kitchen door. It is symbolic as the dance side of his life can at this stage only exist outside of the house. The ferry scene - swan lake is playing. This very dramatic music he heard later. In the story the audience realises how difficult Billy's transition into the ballet world because of how apposed his world is to accepting the beauty of the story of 'Swan Lake' Billy's mother's appearance scene. Again the lighting and soft music creates a very gentle mood where Billy again is shown as transitioning to a life with no um - this is part of his growing

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