Qcf 3 - Unit 74

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Unit 6 – The Role of the Health and Social Care Worker 1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship There are a number of differences between a working relationship and a personal relationship. Firstly and perhaps most obviously is the level of intimacy and emotion placed in a relationship; working relationships tend to be more formal and professional; working relationships are formed due to different working people coming together to achieve a common goal or work in the same organisation etc. Personal relationships are a lot more informal, emotional, based on people getting on well, being related or finding each other attractive (depending on the type of personal relationship). The conversations and interactions held in personal relationships tend to be a lot more informal, whereas in working relationships the emphasis tends to be more rigid with less movement to explore controversial or personal subjects such as religion, politics, hobbies etc. 1.2 Describe different working relationships within health and social care settings There are many different working relationships within health and social care settings. Some of these working relationships include: relationships between managers and supporting staff; these relationships are formal with managers delegating responsibilities to supporting staff and managing any issues. Relationships between supporting staff and other supporting staff; these relationships are where people of a similar level of seniority work together to reach a common goal and achieve their targets. Relationships between supporting staff and service users; these relationships are where supporting staff give service users any support they need to achieve their short and long term goals and ensure they live as independent and fulfulling a life as possible. There are many other relationships, for
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