Pych Analysis Of Hurt Locker

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Alicia Rumbaugh Hurt Locker The film starts with a statement: war is a drug. As Sgt. James keeps bits of deconstructed bombs under his bed, we see that he cannot give it up. After a short visit home, he returns for another deployment. When pressed about his marriage by his soldier buddy, he cannot speak or explain his emotions. This is a man who is nonverbal, and who expresses himself by wrestling with his buddies, gets his girlfriend pregnant and becomes a father. The problem is, it is precisely what serves him and others in the battlefield-hypervigilence, light sleeping, and impulsive actions-that mark him with PTSD on his return. How can he-and others like him-make a transition to a peaceful life and relationships? Most Civilians and mental health professionals are like the psychologist in Hurt Locker-we don't really understand the irrational intensity of war and the difficulty adjusting to home life. Hurt Locker does a real justice in giving us an insider experience of combat and the journey home. Yet he cannot make the transition to a peaceful home life. He is shown transfixed in one of his rare moments of indecision as he confronts rows of similar breakfast cereals in a supermarket, a moment of stark contrast with his action in the battlefield. Active and experiential therapies, like meditation, martial arts-based movement, symbolic arts and drama, can capture the intensity of emotion and bonding and can lead to healing. Hurt Locker was directed by a woman, she tells us more than we want to know about the experience of war. Kathryn Bigelow, the director, gets us inside the characters' heads and hearts. Staff Sgt. William James is an professional bomb disposal expert. He volunteers to go beyond the call of duty into dangerous situations, trusts his instincts, and respects excellence even in the bombs of his enemy. He seems to act irrationally, but
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