Public Smoking Should Be Banned

527 Words3 Pages
Topic: Smoking in public places. Introduction: Hi everyone, my name is Thanh. I know some of you in here who smokes cigarette and somebody does not. But I am very sure that all of you here know how smoking affects our human’s health. As we see in our daily life, there are people standing smoking in front of restaurant, office building, grocery stores… Those images are showing that the government is banning smoking from public places. Most private business are banning smoking in their office buildings, however, some business' still allow smoking inside their buildings, which is where some problems can begin. Moreover, smoking in public place can cause many illnesses and diseases through second hand smoke. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places in order to prevent and quit smoking which create a smoke free environment. According to the National Cancer Institute, it is dangerous that people are exposed second hand smoke in many public places. For example, homes, cars, and work are some places where exposure occurs (Secondhand smoke). This can increase the risk of lung cancer by 16-19 % and heart disease by 25-35%. Because of this problem, there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Even low levels can be harmful. We can easily increase the risk of disease and illness by just walking past a smoker. Children exposed to second hand smoke have an increased risk of colds, pneumonia, and asthma (Secondhand smoke). These diseases may lead to lost days of schools, hospitalizations, or even death in children. The only way to fully protect nonsmokers from this is to completely eliminate smoking spaces and separating nonsmokers from smokers. In order to solve this problem, we must create a smoke free environment. A smoke free environment help less people starting to smoke and more smokers quit smoking. According to Wigan Council about smoking

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