Psychology Approaches in Health Care

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Unit 8: P2: Explain different psychological approaches to health and social care practice This assignment will be explaining different psychological approaches to both health and social care practices Behaviorist They are two main types of conditioning this include classical which has to do with repeating and operant conditioning which has to do with positive and negative reinforcement of skinners theory. (More information can be found in unit 8 p1 and unit 6 p1) The behaviorist theory is mostly applied to children because in order for children to learn when they are growing up the parents would need to use the skinners theory of positive and negative reinforcement. For example if a child is doing an activity the teacher might once in a while practice reflective listening by saying ‘well done, you are doing a good job, here is a sweetie for you’ This encourages the child to work harder and wanting to participate more in the activity in order to get the positive reaction from the teacher. In the nursery, if a child for example was running or causing a danger to the other children the teacher would use a firm voice and tell the child ‘stop…that is not how to behave, five minutes from your playtime’ according to the behaviorist this is a positive reinforcement. Behaviourist is a theory of learning what believes that learning is learnt through conditioning. Conditioning has a lot to do with the mental state of the subject (a living thing which could include a human or a mammal) as it occurs through communication with the environment. According to psychological articles (2012) ‘behaviour can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states’. From above the behaviorist theory can be applied in the health and social setting because various health care professional such as nursery, preschool, colleges,
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