Psy202 Week 6 Assignment Adolescence and Adulthood

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Adolescence and Adulthood PSY 202 September 11, 2011 Many changes happen during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Physical changes, moral changes and social changes are all happening at the same time during these very important adolescent years. All of these changes come together and create individual adults that contribute in their own way to society. According to Feldman (2010), the psychosocial development stage of adolescence is a search for one’s own identity. This stage is a learning process on how to consider others and not be only self-aware. Psychosocial development is also the understanding of the world around you and how you may contribute to society. Learning boundaries and discovering who you are by means of your identity is a very important change that we all go through and is challenging for most. As a child, I was very shy with low self-esteem. During my adolescent years I found myself through music. I had a great music teacher that made a huge difference in my life by being a positive role model. Through classical music, I found my teenage passion. I was able to hear a song and immediately duplicate it on the violin. I had the responsibility to take care of the violin to and from school and at home. This responsibility taught me to handle with care, which I still do today. Kids that were in the band and the orchestra we not generally looked upon as the popular kids. I dealt with bullies on a daily basis. I became stronger through the endurance of the cruel intensions of others. I was passionate about the music I was creating and loved to share it with others. Through music I was also able to sooth myself during troubling emotional times. I was comforted through music after disappointments from a crush gone bad and self confidence through performances during competitions. Late
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