A Brief Note on Behaviorism

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Perspectives Paper Human beings by nature are inquisitive. Knowing where one comes from and what aspects separates one from other individuals has been in our nature since humans discovered having five toes on each foot. The approach of psychology basing the study on the fact that behavior can be researched without consideration of the inner state of the mind is known as behaviorism. Behaviorism is said to be both a philosophy as well as a psychological movement. Radical behaviorism Early in the 20th century, behaviorism initiated with the work of John B. Watson, an American psychologist. John B. Watson’s objective of his study was to base behavior on no mental life and no internal speech. He studied the adjustment of human beings and organisms to their respective environments. Therefore, it made sense to him that men could be studied objectively, like rats and apes. He’s approach put an emphasis on physiology in addition to the role of stimuli and this made him a stimulus-response psychologist (O'Donohue, Ferguson 2001). For example in the experimental study of "Little Albert", Watson conditioned the little boy to fear rats. At first Albert was not afraid of the rat and the other animals, but Watson made a loud noise by hitting a steal bar with a hammer every time Albert touched the rats. Watson was able to show that emotional responses could be conditioned, or learned. B. F. Skinner is a true radical behaviorist who referred to his philosophy of science as radical behaviorism. His contributions to psychology have had a profound effect on how we learn. According to him, psychology should be the study of behavior which would be anything a human being or an organism is a part of. The theory of B.F. Skinner is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change in obvious behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of an individual's response to events that
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