Provide Support on Journeys

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Provide Support for Journeys Aspects and factors to consider when planning journeys may relate to the individual, the journey itself, and health and safety. To provide effective support for an individual on a journey I begin by considering their specific needs, how the journey is going to develop, the outcome of the journey, and any health and safety factors that may be relevant to the journey. Possible risks that may develop whilst on a journey include; accidents involving the individual or others, illness, large crowds, adverse weather and vehicle breakdown. There are various ways to minimise possible risks, these include carrying a first aid kit, a mobile phone and pre planning. In addition, for each individual I will consider, medication needs, toileting requirements suitable footwear and clothing and also bus pass or money necessary to complete the journey successfully and as independently as possible. Communication technologies that can support planning and making journeys safely include satellite navigation, mobile phones for emergencies, telephones, faxes and emails for making arrangements, radio (for travel disruption updates), and maps and computers to plan the journey. When supporting the individual to plan a journey it is important to provide active support to enable them to, agree the purpose of the journey, identify the level of support needed and be aware of potential risks and benefits of them planning the journey. With sufficient support and effective communication taking in to account policies, the individual will then be able to actively participate in identifying, accessing and using the necessary information to plan their journey. I would support the individual in line with the journey plan by helping them realise and take into consideration any connections of buses etc, as well as helping them impose on their journey any time

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