After actually doing this research I continue to be Pro-Choice, but with some limitations. I do believe that it is the right of a woman to decide matters over her own body. A woman should be able to have an abortion if the fetus develops with any diseases or disorders that are detrimental to quality of life. I do not think a woman should have a child that they do not want or can not support either be financially or emotionally, because the child is the one that will suffer. The child is most likely be mistreated, abused, and neglected at no fault of their own.
Pregnant women, who prefer abortion, on her opinion, make a choice of the same kind. Williams, however, claims that life starts at conception, and such terms as "the first trimester" or "second trimester" cannot help to define life. On the other hand, she claims that abortion should be applied, if it is necessary as abortion sometimes can save lives. Although the author admits that such a life might be worth any sacrifice, the right to decide whether such sacrifice should be done belongs exclusively to the mother. The presented article demonstrates rather effective use of ethos, logos and pathos.
Erin Gerstner Mr. Skaer English 101 Nov 13, 2014 Argument Essay – Final Draft Abortion Two words that could make or break any women, “You’re pregnant.” Some women may be excited to hear these words, but others, well they may be terrified. Our world today is full of unsolved, divisive and controversial issues. Most of them relate to our morals, ethics and religion, thus creating a very strong yes, no, good or bad side. Abortion is one subject most people feel negatively about. It’s immoral, all conclusions made about abortion are negative, and they all show the downside, abortion should be banned.
In addition to that there are studies that prove that breast cancer is heightened in women who had an abortion earlier in life. The harmful effects it can have on the body contradict the autonomy that one may have with their body. Abortions are discontinuous with human anatomy and hurts the bodies women were blessed with. Abortion should not become the standard in eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Women who chose to have control over their bodies should then exercise proper contraceptive practices or also partake in abstinence.
Melissa Capristo Mr. Baumgartner English 10 Honors 2 December 2012 Pro-Choice How would you feel if someone controlled what you did to your own body? I feel that by not making abortion legal you are controlling someone’s rights to their own body. Many women that want to have an abortion have emotional and personal reasons behind it. Some women choose to have their babies even though they didn’t want to but I believe that those kids have a high chance of growing up feeling unloved by their mother. I believe that every single person that is born into this world should have the rights to their own body.
On the other hand some people argued that late-term abortion should not be banned because it is necessary to terminate a fetus when the life of the woman is in danger as a result of complicated pregnancy; or when pregnancy result from incest or rape and the woman may be late in finding out that she is pregnant. Late-term abortion is also favored when the fetus genetic defect,
Say an under aged girl, or even a girl who isn’t under aged was molested or raped, and that resulted in a pregnancy. Someone with Utilitarian views could say it is better to have the abortion because it could cause more harm on the baby or the mother if she continues the pregnancy, and suffers depression by the constant reminder growing inside of her, or after the child is born she could resent the child and cause it harm. These situations would have a negative outcome for more people than a good one, so in Utilitarinaism eyes, aborting the baby would be the right thing to do. Consider someone who is looking to adopt a baby, because they cannot have a baby of their own. If a woman aborts her baby she could be denying that couple who can’t have a baby the opportunity to adopt.
Abortion is often presented as an issue of "women's rights". It is seen as something desirable for women, and as a benefit to which they should have as much access as possible. In fact, to be "pro-life" is seen by some as being "against women's rights". If you sometimes feel this way, examine the facts presented here. You will see that, in fact, abortion harms women, ignores their rights, and exploits and degrades them.
Abortion- A Woman’s Divine Right Tameka A. Severson SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Instructor: Theodore Framan April 16, 2012 The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. The fight between pro-life and pro-choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because individuals can be a bit “close minded” and refuse to view any other beliefs or ideas other than their own. Although I support the act of abortion, when it all boils down, it is a right and the circumstance at hand really depends on the particular individual. Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability.
If a women needs an abortion in the late trimesters of her birth, this ban would prevent her from being able to do so. There are various factors contributing to why women need access to late-term abortions. Medical complications may cause a woman to seek an abortion after the first trimester, including discovery of fetal abnormalities. The partial birth abortion was once seen as a medically necessary procedure, but it is it is actually the mother’s choice as to whether or not she undergoes an abortion. The right to choose an abortion stems from a more fundamental liberty of bodily privacy.