Prison Sentence Vs Substance Abuse Research Paper

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Substance Abuse Treatment versus a Prison Sentence LaSacia Gore CM220 August 5, 2015 Emily Hartfield Substance Abuse Treatment versus a Prison Sentence In the first program, it will be an introduction for all drug abuse clients. After each program meeting, clients must at minimum attend group therapy for two hours, thus, there will be at least 10 participants. Clients will be introduced to a positive energy environment. Thus, positive energy will allow clients a forum to discuss problem issues. For example, clients who are addicted and instructed by the criminal justice department, often times present unique challenges. Challenges come by way of the client’s inability to distinguish between abstinence and sobriety. Therefore, one (clients) must be educated about the disease of addiction; thus, addiction education can be facilitated through group therapy. The following…show more content…
It is generally assumed that substance abuse clients are products of a broken family structure and are prone to criminal behavior. Thus warranting the need for group facilitators to filter out most all and/or any negative energy and replace it with the positive. After-all the goal is to modify their behavior, what better way can one began to foster positive reinforcement then to provide the initial environment for such. However, there is always a chance that different claims and/or viewpoints can present challenges. For example, one might find that providing positive energy support for clients is not priority; thus, this can lead to more than just a difference of opinion. It can lead to revisions and provisions which may cause significant delay in providing services to a client in
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