Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

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HSC 24 Principles of safeguarding and protection in Health and Social Care 1.1 & 1.2 Define the different types of abuse & identify the signs and symptoms There are many different types of abuse which happen in the health and social care setting. People need to use care services as they may have been abused, neglected or exploited in the past. As a care worker it is our job to be concerned and to offer care and protection to these people. It is sad to say; however, sometimes it is the care worker who becomes the person responsible for neglect and exploitation. They misuse their power of trust and use the influence they have on the individual. This, of course is not acceptable in any circumstances and can lead to a criminal record if found to be true. It is important that we care for and protect the individuals we are supporting and report any signs or suspicions of abuse. Abuse can happen in many ways and to understand the signs and symptoms and to be able to respond to the warning signals and prevent further abuse. Some are easier to notice than others. For example the signs of physical abuse may be bruising, cuts and other injuries but the signs for emotional and verbal abuse are a lot harder to see. Physical Abuse This is abuse in which contact is involved intended to cause feelings of intimidation, injury, or other forms of physical suffering or bodily harm. As mentioned above the signs may be easier to spot unless the person is hiding the injuries. Unexplained bruising on areas of the body which do not normally bruise would cause for concern. Burns or scalding, bruising in the same place, unexplained falls resulting in injury, cuts or bruising, reactions of the individual such as jumping or holding hands up to protect themselves or signs of fear when a particular procedure is carried out such as washing or dressing. Sexual Abuse
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