Police Community Support Officers

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Police Community Support Officers are government’s response to societies fears about rising crime. Discuss is relation to the U.S research into foot patrol. Society has always had this fear about rising crime, and to help reduce this fear the government responded by providing Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs). Within this assignment I am going to discuss how the government came about the idea, and also the benefits of having PCSOs about. I will also look into the U.S research into foot patrol. In 2002 the English and Welsh Police forces introduced Police Community Support Officers, this increased unformed street patrols. However, Paskell found that the impact of the Police Community Support Officers in public reassurance was not strongly evident. She did find that despite, or even because of the limited policing powers that the Police Community Support Officers had, had enhanced the abilities for them to engage with the local residents, workers and other organisations. She also found that the Police Community Support Officers helped contribute to the police by reducing juvenile anti-social behaviour and environmental disorder. As well as the Police Community Support Officers working to support the police, they were also found to have contributed to other agencies who were concerned with managing local conditions such as housing providers, environmental services, wardens and also anti-social behaviour teams. The introduction of the Police Community Support Officers did confirm some of the findings of the Foot Patrol Experiment, which was conducted 25 years earlier. This experiment did show that even though the foot patrol didn’t reduce the amount of crime on the streets, it did reduce the public’s fear of crime. Because of this the public saw their communities as safer and better places to live. Therefore resulting in more public satisfaction and
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