Plastic Surgery On Teens

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Cosmetic surgery on teenagers 1. In text 1 Valerie Ulene presents a somewhat subjective view of how a society should react to teens, which are undergoing a plastic surgery. Valerie Ulene has the opinion, that it’s the Media, who have failed. “They’re constantly bombarded with images of beautiful men and women who are held up as the norm” as Valerie Ulene state. Valerie isn’t against plastic surgery in any way, but she doesn’t think that adolescents have the ability to choose if they should have a plastic surgery. And how should they be able to? They aren’t even done developing physically, Valerie Ulene suggests. She also points out the fact that studies haven’t shown anything about teens getting better self-esteem or a better image of the overall body image from a plastic surgery. The fact that teens change their decision from day to day is also a reason why teens shouldn’t be able to choose a plastic surgery. She is happy for the doctor Canedy, who suggests, that doctors take a long talk with adolescents, talking about the risks and if they are sure that they want to undergo the surgery. Valerie Ulene goes as far as saying, that she would forbid her own daughter to have a plastic surgery. In text 2 the media is again blamed for the teenagers to have a disordered look on, how you look when you’re defined as normal. Even as a 15year old the texts case, Kristen, thought that she should look like everyone in TV with big breast and so forth. The text writer, Camille Sweeney, actually mention, that a part of being adult is having a plastic surgery. In text 2 there is a survey that determine, that plastic surgery done for “youths 18 or younger is more than tripled over a 10-year period”. The text suggests that parents have to learn how to say no to the teens. It also states, that what we’re seeing with the many plastic surgery is an epidemic of low-esteem girls. It
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