Physical Disability Essay

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Understand physical disability Understand the importance of differentiating between the individual and the disability. Explain the importance of recognising the centrality of the individual rather than the disability. It is important you recognise the individuality of the person to help increase their confidence and self-esteem and make sure society is not labelling them as different. If people were to label them they would forget their individuality and think they can’t do something because of their condition or illness and wouldn’t be able to live a fulfilled life. Each person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity and we must remember each person has their own individual needs. Explain the importance of an assessment being person centred. The level of care a person needs or the type of care they require varies from person to person. All assessments should be done with a person centred approach to agree on a care plan and made around the individual and their needs. A service user should always be involved in the planning of the care and tasks should be discussed at all times. Just because two people have the same disability doesn’t mean they require the same level of care and support so by working in a person centred approach it will enable me to identify the individual’s needs. Compare the difference in outcomes that may occur between focusing on an individual’s strengths and aspirations rather than their needs only. An individual with a disability may find it difficult to do day to day things such as personal care tasks, meal preparation, medication, social inclusion and will need some support. It is important to help an individual recognise their strengths to increase confidence and self-esteem. Having a disability should not determine whether or not their aspirations can be met but careful thinking about ow you can help to

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