Working in an Effective Way

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In order to be able to work in an effective way you need to be able to reflect on your work to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Reflection should not be used to undermine your confidence in your own work you should use it in a constructive way to identify areas which require improvement. Being able to recognise areas of your work that need improvement is not an indication of poor practise it is an indication if excellent practise. Any worker in social care who believe they do not need to improve their practise and develop and add to their skills and understanding are not demonstrating good and competent practise. Look at the way you approach the situation or your work. Consider the effect your approach appeared to have on those you were working with you should include both clients and colleagues in this reflection. Make an honest assessment of the quality of work that you have produced that day or in the situation. This will need to be an honest reflection or it is of little value. These are a few question you could use in your reflection of your work. 1. How did I approach my work? 2. Was my approach positive? 3. How did the way I worked affect the people I support? 4. How did the way I worked affect my colleagues? 5. Did I give my work 100%? 6. Which was the best aspect of the work I did? 7. Which was the worst aspect of the work I did? 8. Was this work the best I could do? 9. Are there any areas in which I could improve? 10. What are they, and how will I tackle them? Everyone has their own values and beliefs and preferences. They are an essential part of who you are, what you believe in, what you see as important and what you see as acceptable or desirable are as much a part of your personality as whether you are shy, outgoing, funny, serious, friendly or reversed. The way you respond to people is linked to
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