Phase 3 Individual Project: Homosexuality

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ENG126-1202B-09 LaKeshia Howard Phase 3 Individual Project: Homosexuality June 11, 2012 Homosexuality/Lesbianism; is being gay a personality trait that has been created by society or is it a deformity in the human genetics that is being studied by physicians? There are those that believe that society has created homosexuality/lesbianism by allowing the attraction to the same sex to live their lives as heterosexuals; then there are those that believe that being gay is something that a person is born with and passed down throughout generations. Is sexual orientation determined at birth? There are some scientist and doctors that believe that the sexual orientation of an individual is determined at the time of conception. They believe…show more content…
Nurture; is it natural for men and woman to be attracted to the same sex? Or does the environment or society cause a person to seek companionship from the same sex? According to researchers they have examined the brains of both a heterosexual and a homosexual male and female and have determined that the hypothalamus (the organ in the brain that is responsible for sexual behavior) was much bigger in the homosexual subjects than in the heterosexual subjects. They believe this was a cause of an increased amount of early levels (probably prenatal) of estrogen (a natural or artificial female sex hormone responsible for the development of female sexual characteristics) in the men and androgen (a natural or artificial male sex hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics) in women. Also it is the possibility that a male receives too little androgen at birth and the female receives too little estrogen at birth causing the homosexual and the lesbian behavior. As far as the nurturing aspect of homosexuality/lesbianism we’re all influenced by our environment, but to what extent? The nurture concept of homosexuality argues that social, parental and environmental variables influence a person's…show more content…
The same goes for a woman; if she is born with too much of the male hormone she will feel less of woman. If you are around gay people it will not make you gay and you are who you are, and you live your life accordingly. Being gay is not something that a person choses to be, it is something that nature and genetics has placed upon
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