One of the definitions that Christina presents is that sex is the acknowledgement and sexual enjoyment of at least one of the individuals who partakes in the sex that he or she just had sex. She reaches this definition after previous definitions that she had come up with because they were too exclusive. The generic definition of sex, which is penile-vaginal intercourse, was definitely too limiting because it did not take into account any of her sexual encounters with women. Then she came up with a definition for sex to be anything that both individuals agree on to be sex, whether or not it was enjoyable. However, this definition was too restricting and messy because people are inevitably going to have differing opinions on what is and is not considered to be sex.
They also believed that a gay person is committing a sin and would burn in hell for having a sexual experience with a person of the same sex. (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005) Until recently, some religions would perceive the male on male and female on female sexual interaction as inappropriate. Then, consider the cross cultural viewpoints and according to the text, it appears that there are some cultures that are more accepting to this. The New Guinea is one of the cultures that are more excepting to the view of homosexuality. In this culture the young
“Because there is something seriously wrong with rape, God says rape is not permissible” (Furman). This is contradictory because the Divine Command Theory states that something is wrong “just because God said so” (Furman). We can see that the first argument for the Divine Command Theory fails to prove it true. So let’s move on to our second argument for the Divine Command Theory, the “Immutability Argument” and explore its truth. The argument is as follows: If the Divine Command Theory is true, then what is
In addition, there has been a growing emphasis placed on equal rights. These two movements have contributed to keeping the argument for same-sex marriage in the forefront. There are people who believe that although progress has been made, Christian values are still an obstacle for the progress that needs to take place and Brittney Baker is one of them. She compares and contrasts the relationship between the religious and gay community’s attitudes towards same-sex marriage. She puts forth rebuttals to many of the typical arguments for prohibiting same-sex marriage.
Thus becoming the cultural norm of our present day existence. However, the understanding of the authority of the written Word of God, has been lost to some groups, who believe that it is ok to do “whatever they feel like doing,” without any respect to the order that has been laid down by God and established by the laws of the states. These laws are presently being threatened by various groups that wish to promote their lifestyle and as the bible says, would hope to “change the truth of God into a lie.” The truth is committing adultery, homosexuality, pornography, incestuous relationships, and any other form of unnatural use of the body, including fornication, goes against the fabric of our society and causes tremendous tears that disturb the core of
This reading was about the viewpoints of heterosexuals who feel and question if homosexuality should be eliminated. Many do not feel that this is a way of life, and this reading proved the viewpoints of many who see homosexuality as a disease, immoral, lecherous, or anti-social. Even though those who do not agree or approve with homosexuality, they stand it. Throughout this reading, it talks about how society deals with homosexuality, trying to cure it when, really, society is just making it worse. Society makes it clear their disapproval of homosexuality, but tries to punish it in a way that does not begin to “cure” it at all.
Relativism relies on personal and cultural norms to determine what is right and wrong. This is not a valid source of morality because what is socially acceptable is not always what is right. There was a point in time when slavery was socially acceptable but that does not make it right. Furthermore, the secular humanist is a consequentialist, which means ethical choices are judged by their results ( The result of this moral compass is an unstable platform for truth; as a result secular humanism supports gay marriage, abortion, and euthanasia.
No matter what our struggle might be, we all need to fix our eyes on Jesus from whom we take our identity. “Many Christians have chosen not to let their attractions determine their identity (p 50). Since there is not a conclusive scientific evidence as to what causes homosexuality I prefer not to speculate any further and just accept the fact that some people do struggle with same-sex attractions and we must be clear on what our stand on it will be and how we plan to make a difference in those
Sexual Techniques Sexual techniques differ greatly from couple to couple subject on each couples preferences. Communication is the most important sexual skill to all couples. The only way to efficiently express one’s sexual fancies and desires is through communication. This lets our partner know what we like and what we don’t like. Foreplay is another important sexual practice.
There were other cultures that permitted it but did not encourage it (Hunt, 1995). But on the other hand, both Judaism and Christanity viewed gay as a sin (Hunt, 1995). Some social scientist oppose laws that prohibit homosexuality, they believed that gay men and women are treated unfairly (Bidstrup, 2005). The lifestyle of gays is a principle insight at which we all have come to be governed (Hunt, 1995). In 1960’s homosexual organizations known as the Gay Liberation groups have worked in a number of countries and the U.S to urge society to have a tolerate attitude toward homosexuality (Bidstrup, 2005).