Persuasive Techniques Essay

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Persuasive techniques – (AFORREST) Pronouns: we, us, I, you, she, him, they, them…. Anecdote/alliteration Facts Opinions Repetition Rhetorical - Questions Example – Exaggeration, emotive language Statistics Triplets Facts: To stop smoking Smoking is the cause of 1 in 5 deaths in the US annual. A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. ‘Women and physically and emotionally weaker than men and therefore should not be allowed positions of power’ Women have to go through child birth, this is physically and emotionally tiring for the women yet they still get through it and sometime go on to have more than one kid. Only the women can understand the pain it causes and is not fair to say that they are physically or emotionally weaker than men. Session 1: Write to persuade After giving child birth, the mother would tend to have maternity leave which can go up to 1 year. The father after going to work then having to come home and look after the mother for 9 months will then have to continue going to work and bring in the money while the mother is at home. The father would have to go to work and then come home and look after his child and wife, how comes the father doesn’t get maternity leave. The mother is very emotional after birth but after a month tends to be better whereas the father would be physically and emotionally damaged yet have to continue doing everything, why is that the case. Title: You wouldn’t complain if you were being offered it…. (Footballers wages) Evidence: Debate:

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