Persuasive Essay: State Lottery Vs. Public Schools

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State Lottery vs. Public Schools The purpose of this essay is to find information through research, using data, and findings to conclude that State Legalized Gambling (lottery) is not aiding in the development or future growth of public schools as it’s sole purpose was intended; “To Fund Public Education”. Every parent wants the best for their children. Each day thousands of children k-12 is attending public schools in America. In the early 60’s, I remember nutritious school lunches, after school programs, drama classes, home economics, wood shop and auto mechanics just to name a few. Teachers were proud to teach children their lessons, and children were always eager to learn. The only true funding I remember was the once in a few years a millage tax was brought on the ballets to ensure the public schools were funded. Taking care of the schools was everyone’s responsibility. In addition to…show more content…
These closing are all due to a lack of funding from the state. Yet all three states have adopted the state lottery as and aide to support public schools. Everyday our children’s education is being overlooked as the states pockets get bigger. Where is the money going? It can’t be on the roads…New Orleans has some of the worst roads in America. It is my belief that the lottery is not helping our schools and in a way to cover up the real issues, these states are blaming our children of not passing the standardize test that have been mandated by whom? That’s right, the State! So in closing, it is my opinion if the lottery’s purpose is to fund public schools, then that’s what it should do. Stop passing blame to throw off the real issues. Each day, the lottery lines are full of adults hoping to get lucky! I feel the lucky people are the politicians that govern these states that are not giving our children the proper education they

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