Persuasive Essay: Should Scotland Be An Independent Country?

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SUMMARY On 18 September 2014 you will be asked to vote in a referendum on the question: ‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’ The Scottish Government believes you should vote Yes. This guide sets out the gains of independence for Scotland – whichever party is in government – and this Government’s vision and priorities for action if we are the first government of an independent Scotland. It also explains the process by which Scotland will become independent following a Yes vote and how our newly independent Scotland will work. Scotland has many natural advantages. The foundations of our economy are strong. We have abundant natural resources. We have a talented population with many world-class businesses and institutions. We have a proud history, progressive traditions, fine intellectual and artistic accomplishments, a strong identity and…show more content…
The shape of Scotland in the future will be determined by how the people of Scotland vote in elections in 2016 and thereafter. The current Scottish Government will lead Scotland from a Yes vote in September 2014 to independence in March 2016. This guide sets out what Scotland will look like at the point of independence – on issues such as the currency, the monarchy and membership of the EU. The gains of independence for you, your family and community. Independence will give the Scottish Parliament new powers in areas like the economy, taxation, welfare, energy and defence, and control over key national assets like the postal system. In this guide we set out the many opportunities these powers will give Scotland, and some of the current Scottish Government’s priorities for action if we are elected to be the government of an independent Scotland in May 2016. Answers to your questions. In this guide we answer detailed questions we have been asked about independence. Structure of this guide Part one of the guide sets out an overview of the case for
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