Persuasive Essay On Kairos

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Ryan Williams February 24, 2013 Persuasive Writing Kairos What is Kairos? Kairos is a word that can’t be easily defined. Even in our textbook, “Ancient Rhetorics”, it tells us that, “Because American English does not have a term quite like kairos, a bit of explanation is in order.” (38). The Oxford dictionary describes kairos as a Greek word meaning right or proper time; Fullness of time; the propitious moment for the performance of an action or the coming into being of a new state. Our textbook further explains the meaning. From my readings, I gathered that kairos is really when something happens or a situation comes up and a person takes advantage of that time to argue it. The textbook gives the proverb, “strike while the iron is hot,” to further explain. Knowing what it means now, we have seen kairos be demonstrated in our lives many times with situations that we are for or against. The subject that I have chosen is the lack of ancient African/Native-American history being taught in school classrooms. How Urgent or Immediate Is the Issue? There are two statements that applies to the subject of the lack of ancient African/Native-American history being taught in school classrooms in our textbook that stands out. “Usually, urgency depends on the audience as well as the existing situation; that is, it depends on recent activity around an issue.” (44).This is something that I have been thinking about for a while; even before this essay…show more content…
I wasn’t that interested in it but out of boredom I watched it and was amazed by the information given about how people of color helped shape and colonize Europeans (before America was founded). Some of the stuff I honestly didn’t know and didn’t believe until I began researching it. For some reason, I felt empowered. I felt as if this is something that has to be shared with other

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