Trench Warfare Controlled Assessment

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Controlled Assessment Task Part (A) The First World War is associated strongly with Trench Warfare. How useful and reliable are these sources in explaining what conditions in the trenches were like? The public’s imagination of the Great War has been closely associated with Trench Warfare. Within the beginning period of the war August-September 1914 both armies expected a rapid war of movement, however the advances upon firing technology resulted in the complex trench systems being developed. The traditional interpretation was that soldiers spent all of their time in horrific conditions which they constantly experienced and they feared the factor of being sent ‘Over the top’ and that trenches were full of rats, lice and disease. This is…show more content…
Source A3 is a ‘’photograph taken in the trenches in 1918’’ It is a useful source because it clearly shows the waterlogged conditions of a dug out which is surrounded by mud and dirt. The water is very deep because it’s covering the bottom half of the soldiers body this demonstrates that flooding and living in mud was a common problem for the soldiers in the Frontline Trenches. As a photograph it’s useful because it’s strong visual evidence for a Historian. A3 can be directly corroborated with A4 which shows a photograph from 1917 of a soldier’s foot which is suffering from trench foot, the main cause of this was standing in water and mud for a long amount of time and this corroborates A3. However, the reliability of A3 can be questioned. The exact provenance of the source is unknown. If it was taken by an official Army photographer this means the photograph could be propaganda. This can be shown because the soldier is smiling and posing in the entrance to the dugout, so this could be to show that the British Tommie’s are coping with the trench conditions and that the morale is high even in the waterlogged conditions. However, the general impression of the conditions can be questioned, historical research shows that the quality of trenches varied from sector to sector along the front line. The worst area for the flooding was Ypres, the high water table and clay soil contributed to rather wet and muddy…show more content…
Source A9 is from a Historical website ‘describing the daily routines in the trenches. A9 is a useful source because it’s been thoroughly researched by a Revisionist Historian. This is important because it’s purpose is for school students in order to explain the conditions for the soldiers from completely different angles (the Front Line and in Reserve). A9 is also a useful source because it states ‘’Troops spent relatively little time in the front line trenches’’ and ‘’long periods...behind the lines’’ This evidence can be corroborated by historical research, in a short film clip by The National Archives showed the fact that the soldiers were bored and in the daytime nothing happened. Furthermore, on average the soldiers only spent a small majority of their time on the front line (around 15%). Source A9 also shows that leisure was also a part of the soldier’s time on the Western Front with the men ‘’resting, and playing games to keep fit’’ and the men played sports ‘’tennis, soccer games...all part of the military experience in France’’. The source is also useful because even though the soldiers experienced the horrific conditions the soldiers ‘’used time to...sleep write letter to their sweethearts and produce ornaments’’ Source A9 can be corroborated by A6, the ‘’Wipers’’ a soldiers newspaper enjoyed
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