Persuasive Essay Against Asylum Seekers

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Asylum Seekers.People who have asked for protection by a country once they have come to that country. The people in most need of our help. So why is it that our government decides to send them home, back to their disaster stricken towns and countries.These people have fled from countries where their lives are at risk. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. These asylum seekers basic human rights are being violated, and our country decides its best to send them back to the problem. Is this the solution? Article 14 clearly states Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. The people, yes people just like us, are…show more content…
MYTH TWO: refugees receive higher welfare benefits than Australians FACT:There is no truth to claims that refugees are entitled to higher benefits than other social security recipients. Refugees have the same entitlements as all other permanent residents—they do not receive special refugee payments or special rates of payment.DIAC also provides funding to assist asylum seekers living in the community or in community detention through NGOs such as the Australian Red Cross. The financial component of such assistance does not exceed 89 per cent of the Centrelink Special Benefit. Limited assistance in the form of services is provided in order to assist asylum seekers living in the community or community detention to meet basic needs such as access to health and community services. Asylum seekers in immigration detention centres receive a small allowance but do not receive Centrelink equivalent payments.39 Most of the myths about asylum seekers have been proven wrong. So why do we still believe them? they must be made up by some racist people whom arn't even showing the true Austrlian pride. Furthermore more the treatment of the asylum seekers

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