Personality Inventory Essay

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Personality Inventory According to my assessment my personality type is INFJ standing for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging. Only one percent of the world has this type of personality, making it the most rare of all the types. INFJ’s have a reputation of being prophets and seers because of their extreme intuition about people and genuine concern for other’s feelings. “The Protector,” is the title given to these types of people, because they are quietly forceful, original, and yet sensitive. INFJ’s have a well-developed value system and a lot of respect for their perseverance in doing the right thing. They are likely to be individualistic rather than leaders or followers. INFJ’s are tremendously complex people however they are also very nurturing, creative and warm. They typically make loving parents and form strong bonds with their offspring. The results of the Typology test were spot on. When reading the characteristics and traits in the results I felt like a lot was put into perspective for me. Growing up I felt very out of place, it wasn’t until recently I actually felt like I had a purpose. Seeing these results was a confirmation that I am taking my life in the right direction. Even though I took this test for an assignment personality tests get used all the time in the job industry in hopes of predicting the kind of employee your going to be. Personality tests are not the only tests you might see when applying for a job. Some corporations may slip inventory tests into their applications, which are simply checklists to see what you have in common with fellow employees. Intelligence tests are also seen in the job industry, which are tests designed to measure an individual’s mental skills, more commonly known as an IQ test. Most industries require some sort of personality test on their initial application. Due to most applications being

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