Personal Essay On Returning To School

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Returning To School Sandra L. Walker Professor Melody Debonnel English Composition 1 December, 10 2012 Returning To School Returning to school has allowed me to open and explore opportunities to find out things about myself that I didn’t know before re-entering school. Making the decision to return to school I decided to return to school after I had been out for over forty years. I graduated from high school in 1969, I enjoyed attending high school and I always knew that I wanted to further my education. I had my first child right after I graduated high school and my college was put on hold because I chose to start working and take care of my family. Many years passed and I still had college in the back of my mind, once my children got older and to the ages where they were able to…show more content…
When I took my placement test I was shocked at the result that I had master them, I was in fear that I didn’t do well, I knew that I had forgotten a lot of information and that lot stayed in my head. I had to take several remedial courses, considering my education background. I attended southwest community college and master a certificate in computer software specialist in the year of 2005-2007, and I felted very proud of myself, so I decided to take it a step further and go for an associated degree in business so that why I am here a Ashford University. I get a lot of guidance from my children, especially my daughter she is in college and she encourage me a lot, at times when I want to give up she keeps me going saying little phrases like( mom you can do it, you are never to old) the love I have for that child. I challenge with training myself to be more tactful in completing my assignment on time and studying to make good grades on quizzes and test, these were my main challenge in trying to going readjust to returning back to

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