Person You Are Todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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What shapes the person you are today? A lot of things shape who I am today. However, obviously, my family has had the greatest impact on me and my values. My family has always taught me to accept other peoples’ ways and beliefs, and still do. My family is very open-minded, and I feel this has really impacted me. Since young ages I have always been open-minded and understanding about people of other races and backgrounds Family is very important in my life and has really shaped who I am today. As well as family, my community has also helped “shape” me. I grew up in Cold Spring Harbor. Since then the community has been nothing but nice to me, and me and my family have made many life-long friends here in Cold Spring Harbor. In Cold Spring Harbor schools, I have learned tons of information about respecting other cultures and ways of life. My community and neighbors here in Cold Spring Harbor have definitely positively affected my cultural values and understanding. My family has been very lucky financially to live in such a great community and has taught me to really be grateful for the things that I have. Many things in life “shape” me and my personality other than family and the community too. My peers at school and in the community have also helped shape me as well. I like to go to movies with my friends, play video games, and playing outside. From hanging out with friends/peers and interacting with them, I learn lots of stuff about them. Some of my friends have different views on things like religion, or are different races. I had a friend from camp who was an atheist. I also had tons of African-American and Asian friends. Having friends from all different backgrounds has taught me about how other cultures all make up the community and has opened my mind that pretty much all people are the same inside. A lot of other things shape me, but one I’d especially

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