Perception In Organizational Behavior:

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Perception in Organizational Behavior: What is Perception? “A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment” Most of our decisions are made based on our senses. What we perceive help us retrieve, organize, interpret, select, and react to information (act, feel, think). The differences of perception between a leader, a successful manager or a simple employee it is in the selection. We all see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the same things. There is no such thing as a fast good decision. Even if the perception of others is of “fast”, it is only speed of processing and not haste. If you trace back a good decision you will notice that the first reaction was to withhold your judgment. You wait until the information fits into a pattern, gathering in the same time additional information, make a selection and act based on it. What makes others better than you is the extra effort to understand the other person. Take in consideration not only your experience, motivation and emotions but all the information you can perceive about the same characteristics in the one whom you judge …… Individuals behave in a given manner based not on the way their external environment actually is but, rather, on what they see or believe it to be. An organization may spend millions of dollars to create a pleasant work environment for its employees. However, in spite of these expenditures, if an employee believes that his or her job is lousy, that employee will behave accordingly. It is the employee’s perception of a situation that becomes the basis for his or her behavior. The employee who perceives his/her supervisor as a hurdle reducer who helps him/her do a better job and the employee who sees the same supervisor as “big brother, closely monitoring every motion, to ensure that I keep working” will

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