Pediatrician Essay

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The Department of Labor state that a pediatrician is someone who works with kids from birth to eighteen years of age (“Ped, General” par.1). Pediatricians focus on the “biological, social and environmental influences that may affect a child’s development” (“Ped”15). Pediatricians do more than just look for mental complications they also check for physical problems. Pediatricians check these things by administering daily check-ups and may also “stitch up cuts, tape strained muscles and bandage broken bones” (“Ped”15). According to the Occupational Guidance book a Pediatrician’s earnings depend on the amount of school and training received (“Ped”15). During residency, “pediatricians earn $34,000-42,000 a year” (“Ped”15). Average salaries are about $120,000-131,000 a year and in group practices about $120,000-150,000 annually” (“Ped”15). According to the Occupational Guidance book, in order to become a pediatrician there is a lot of education to be continued right after high school, 10-15 years of school is required. Pediatricians must take 3-4 years of pre-medical training at any university or college plus an additional 4 years of medical school (15). To begin medical school the Medical College Admissions Test MCAT is required. “The first two years are spent doing lab studies and the last two years are spent practicing inside clinics or hospitals” (“Ped”15). Pediatricians are “required to complete a year of internship at a hospital” but depending on what selected area it may become more years. After interning is done in order to practice medicine in the U.S the United States Medical Licensing Examine is required USMLE (“Ped”15). Pediatricians take pride in their work, helping kids, and contributing to the community is all due to confidence in what they do. A pediatrician’s personality is everything; “good health, patience, and persistence” are key qualities that a
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