Patriot Father Loyalist Son Analysis

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Maegan Forney Professor Laughlin History 347 8 October 2014 Patriot Father, Loyalist Son The American Revolution was a civil war described as “a struggle for independence from Great Brittian (71).” Throughout this war there were three groups of people; one was estimated one-third “loyalists’ which were those who remained in England and the other one-third were the “rebels” or known otherwise as the patriots and the last third were those who were neutral. This civil war against independence happened to sometimes divide families. The most known example of this is the separation between Benjamin Franklin and his son William. The reason for the separation has to do with the fact that Benjamin represented the patriot party while his son…show more content…
Benjamin was a patriot while his son was a loyalist. Although both men had agreed to never let their differences of opinion separate them, by 1775 both men no longer communicated with each other. The Boston Tea Party was the first of many issues that would later separate the father and son for good. Both men knew that their political differences would later get in the way of their relationship, but both men also tried to set their differences aside. In hopes of “nurturing the personal side of their relationship” Benjamin purchased English goods for the governor and his wife (73). On the side of the relationship, even though William had different views when it came to politics, he still continued to support his father through it all. On top of continuing to support his father in his political views, William also refused to ever “criticize his father no matter how great the temptation might have been (73)”. There are many reasons these two separated. Their political views differed, they both had different views when it came to paying the East India Company back for the damaged that was caused. When Benjamin was taken out of his post office position he expected William to abdicate his position, but when he didn’t it caused Benjamin much anger. William had been spying for the English government and when Benjamin was given this information he refused to believe it. William was then…show more content…
The royalists believed in remaining loyal to England just like William did. On the other hand, Benjamin (patriot) believed that British taxes were not legal that is why him and William disagreed on the topic of paying back the East India Company. There are many others ways that the Revolutionary War is similar to America’s fight for independence. On June 2nd, 1776 Richard Lee motioned that the colonies should be free and independent. About a month later on July 2nd, the resolution was passed for America’s independence. Finally, on July 4th, 1776, congress adopted the Declaration of Independence and changed the course of history
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