The Major Areas of Disagreement Between the American Colonists and the British Policymakers That Developed During the Period 1763 to 1776.

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The major areas of disagreement between the American colonists and the British policymakers that developed during the period 1763 to 1776. Great Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War gained new territory west of the Appalachian Mountains for the Empire but at the same time added great debt to the Empire. Great Britain looked for revenue from the American colonists as part of the solution to their growing debt issues. Great Britain’s attempts to gain tax revenue from the American colonists increased tensions between the colonies and Great Britain. From 1763 to 1776, Great Britain formed a series of Acts and was met with considerable resistance by the American colonists. This opposition eventually exploded into the American Revolution. The American colonists believed the newly won territory west of the Appalachian Mountains was theirs for the taking because they had fought in the French and Indian War as loyal British subjects. The settling of colonists brought them in contact with Native American tribes already residing in that territory. In order to avoid fight between the American colonists and Native Americans, Great Britain passed the Proclamation Act of 1763, creating a boundary beyond which colonists could not settle. In 1764 Great Britain passed the Sugar Act of 1764. The Sugar Act strictly enforced the tax on molasses importation, extended the tax to cover “sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico”, and increased regulations on lumber and iron exportation. The Act almost caused the colonies rum industry to decline and significantly harmed the colonies economy by reducing their markets and the amount of currency. The Stamp Act of 1765 was another attempt to control the colonies and raise revenue, this time solely to support British troops in the colonies. The Stamp Act was the first direct tax imposed by Great Britain

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