Parvana Text Response Essay By Deborah Ellis

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Parvana Text Response Essay The Taliban is a small militia that has corrupted a small city in Afghanistan, called Kabul. The militia is made up of Afghans who have recently intimidated the population with aggression and they have set out to rob women in particular of their freedom and identity. Two women Fatana and Mrs. Weera, survive the cruel suffering and acts of aggression with their courage to keep their family safe. The women are oppressed and through determination take on the role of the men, who have either gone missing or have died through the acts of violence. Younger women such as Parvana and Shauzia take on the responsibilities from the older women and unite in providing for their families, by digging up bones and selling cigarettes. Afghanistan was once a country who had individual beliefs and all believed in religion and culture. Although, the Taliban has prohibited women from leaving their homes without a male escort as well as pressuring Afghan women to wear the burqa, which is a full -body covering. They have forbid women from attending school but apart from that they have forced women to become unemployed. They have strictly banned noisy shoes, cinemas, shopping and music and this has drastically affected a women’s ‘normal’ daily life. This explains that the women in Afghanistan don’t have the freedom and facilities to live with and it makes me realise what a luxurious life we live in. Due to their strict regulations, Parvana’s father was suddenly transported to prison as he was previously educated in England. This left his family in distraught and together they had no money, no one was employed and food and water was completely out of the question. They would go with no food or water for days and days and through words I felt for them. The stressful days, the painful things they seen was terribly overwhelming and I am extremely grateful that I

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