Paci Rhutmos Essay

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Paci Rhutmos Taking center stage can be a tense, nerve-wracking nightmare for some people but for Paci Rhutmos, the official dance troupe of AMV CoA, missing the chance to step up on stage and perform your heart out is one of the biggest regrets anyone can ever make. Inspiring people with their every movement, the Paci Rhutmos aims to empower individuals who have the passion and the talent to express their individual skills and artistic prowess through the art of dancing. Jayvee Edward Taduran founded Paci Rhutmos on June 22, 2006. Paci Rhutmos came from two words: “Paci” from “Luca Pacioli”, the father of Basic Bookkeeping and “Rhutmos” which is the Greek word for “rhythm”, an attribute every dancer must have. It started with less than ten students but now, Paci has grown to more than a hundred members, achieved more fame and recognition, and is all fired-up to give their best performances yet. The Paci logo is represented by a clenched fist punched against the palm of an open hand which stands for “Paci”, a signature move of Paci Rhutmos. This move symbolizes POWER, which is also a mark of passion, versatility, tenacity and confidence. Dancing in front of a crowd can make them feel on pins and needles, but it also gets their adrenaline pumping. “Whenever we perform, we always feel nervous but when we step on stage and hear people screaming ‘Paci! Paci!’ the nervousness is replaced by excitement,” said Jon Benjie Saing, the president of Paci Rhutmos. Also, as true Thomasians, they never forget to thank the Almighty. “And before every performance, we always pray because we owe God our blessings and our talents that he gifted us” he further added. Moreover, Paci Rhutmos has performed in different events including Livewire, USTv, AMV Night, Umagang Kay Ganda, GoNegosyo, Thomasian Global Trade Expo, and Danscene. In fact, due to popular demand, they were able to

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