P1-Outline Four Current Crime and Disorder Legislation

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Crime and disorder act 1998 During the 1997 election campaign, Tony Blair made a firm commitment to introduce a crime and disorder bill targeting crime and anti-social behaviour within his first year in office. The crime and disorder act was a big deal at the time because it was the first act of its kind and it was brought in to try and make the community’s safer for everyone. Main points of the bill: • Abolishes the rule that a child aged 10 to 13 is presumed to be unable to form the necessary criminal intent. • Anti-social behaviour order, designed to prohibit individuals from committing specific activities that are deemed to be anti-social. • It creates two new schemes for dealing with youth crime: child safety orders, which apply to children under the age of 10, and parenting orders, which are made against the parents of a child who has been given an anti-social behaviour order. • Creates sex offender orders, which bar offenders from activities and areas frequented by children. • Abolishes the death penalty for treason or piracy. • Introduces separate offences for crimes that were aggravated by the victim's race or presumed race. • Obliges local authorities, the police and other local bodies to draw up a crime and disorder strategy covering their area. Criticism about the bill Civil liberties groups argue that asbos mark an unacceptable blurring of criminal and civil law because a breach of their asbo can incur criminal penalties including up to five years' imprisonment. Children's rights campaigners argue that asbos are disproportionately used to target young people. They point out that although many forms of anti-social behaviour can be alarming or distressing, they are often not criminal. Even though the original action may not be criminal, for example playing loud music, breaching an asbo can lead to a sentence of up to five years in
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