Organizational Structure Paper: Us Air Force

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Organizational Structure Paper: US Air Force Michael Carter MGT/230 September 23, 2013 Richard Amabile Organizational Structure Paper: US Air Force Like any other organizational structure for the United States Air Force begins from the top and proceeds down the chain of commands to their different operating location. This paper will outline the organizational structure for the Air Force. Even though the Air Force is a government agency some of the decision that is made coincide with decision made in other business industries. Two other organizational structures will be chosen for the use of compare and comparison. The Air Force is composed of complex and organized divisions. The Airman is a single Air Force member who is the most basic unit in this organization. The Section consists of two or more Airmen. Usually the word Section identifies the area the two Airmen would report to work. A Flight would consist of two or more airmen, a flight also could consist of two or more section. Two or more flights form a Squadron which would be your next level in the Air Force Organizational Structure. The squadron is the lowest level of command with a headquarters element (example, a Squadron Commander, or Squadron First Sergeant) (Powers). A Group would consist of two or more Squadron. In the Air Force, Groups are usually based upon assignment of squadrons with similar functions. For example, the Supply Squadron, Transportation, and Aircraft Maintenance Squadron would be assigned to the Logistics Group. The flying squadrons would be assigned to the Operations Group. The Dental Squadron and the Medical Squadron would be assigned to the Medical Group (Power).Two or more Group compose a Wing. There could be more than one Wing on an Air Force Installation, but only one Wing would have command
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