Operant Conditioning Paper

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Operant Conditioning Paper Johnny Williams PSY/390 July 9, 2012 Gary Burk Operant Conditioning Paper Operant conditioning is defined as a method of learning with the intention of rewards and punishments that solely depends on a person’s behavior. Through the process of operant conditioning, a correlation is completed flanked by a behavior and an end result for that behavior. Operant conditioning was first introduced by a behaviorist by the name of B.F.Skinner. As a behaviorist, Skinner understood that inner thoughts and motivations could not be utilized to give reasons for behavior. In its place, he then went further to recommend that, we as humans ought to come across only at the external, observable causes of human behavior. Describe the theory of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning defines as learning from which an intentional response is weakened or strengthened solely depending on its encouraging or fault-finding outcomes. Operant conditioning is one of the fundamental concepts in behavioral psychology. The guarantee or chance of a reward within itself has the ability to cause an enhance in a person’s behavior, however operant conditioning can also be used to diminish a behavior. The elimination of an unwanted conclusion or the use of penalty can be used to prevent or maybe even reduce unfavorable behaviors. School children for example in there day to day activity’s at school, a child may be told they will leave behind any recess rights or privileges if they continue to talk out of turn in class. This possibility for punishment may lead to a decrease in disruptive behaviors. Compare and contrast positive and negative reinforcement. There is a difference between penalty and punishment and negative and positive reinforcement. Punishment has the effect to bring down a
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