Online Education Versus Traditional Education

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Online Education versus Traditional Education The decision to continue your education can be a difficult and overwhelming choice to make. One of the toughest decisions will be to determine how you will further your education. Currently, new students have two options available to them: traditional education or online education. Although online education and traditional education have very different qualities, both forums allow an individual to achieve their educational goal. Online education, or distance learning, is the use of a computer network to obtain a higher level of education and a degree. The student is enrolled into a classroom setting, with courses that take place over the Internet, typically out of state. The student interacts with their instructor and other students through chat rooms and discussion forums. Students also have support from their academic advisors and other online students. The student has weekly deadlines for assignments, and they must be in attendance for a set number of days each week. Failure to maintain attendance or a passing grade point average could result in an automatic withdraws from the institution. Typically, the schedule for an online education is very flexible. A flexible schedule is very appealing to older students who have families and full-time jobs. Online courses are available 24 hours a day, which is a big selling point for busy would-be students. Traditional education, or face-to-face education, is when a student attends a physical college campus to further their education. The student is enrolled in a traditional classroom setting with the instructor present. This type of education is appealing to new students because they are in the classroom with other students and the instructor, which can provide a wonderful support system. The traditional classroom also can be beneficial because it allows students to

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