Online Learning vs. Classroom Learning

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Theresa Grover Composition I-168 August 30, 2012 Online Learning vs. Classroom Learning TheresaGrover_ENC1101-12_Week7. Docx August 30, 2012 ONLINE LEARNING vs. CLASSROOM LEARNING When you chose to continue your education choosing how you want to learn and where you want to learn is a big decision. You as a student have two options, you have online learning which the wave of the future is or you could take the more traditional route and learn in a classroom or lecture hall. So how do prefer to receive your education online or traditionally in a classroom setting? Let’s take a look at both options. Let’s start off by looking at flexibility, online learning offers flexibility which allows students to complete their education on their own time and in a place that they chose. This type of learning is great for working students or single parents. However, student who need to be motivated and struggle to get into a groove on their own than classroom learning is the way to go. When it comes to communication online learning now has the opportunities for instant communication such as message boards, online chatting, and even video conferencing, but this does not replace the experience of face to face interaction. Students who enjoy having ideas exchanges between the professor and other classmates will prefer the classroom environment to online courses. For many students social interaction is a key aspect of college life. Some students need to have the professor in front of them and classmates around them. While other students work better independently, the thing about online learning is that it’s offered all over the world so that you as an online student maybe be
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