Online vs Traditional Education

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| ONLINE VS TRADITIONAL EDUCATION | ONLINE VS ONCAMPUS | | Erin Fuller | 6/10/2012 | Whether going to school online or attending school in a traditional setting; the main objective is to obtain a college degree. ONLINE VS ONCAMPUS As a student, there are different settings to choose from to further your education. You can go the traditional way or attend classes online. Both are very effective methods, but we are going to analyze which method would suit you according to: Your learning style, convenience and cost, and the amount of time, you want to spend obtaining your college degree. I. LEARNING SYLE The importance of choosing the best setting for your education is to consider what type of learner you are. A. The independent learner would do well in an online environment. B. The student, who does is more technically savvy would excel in an online environment. C. A student, who does not need interaction with others; face to face would appeal more to an online class. A. The dependent learner, who needs interaction with people, would want to consider taking the traditional route. B. If you live in a rural or lower socio-economic environment, that has inadequate access, you would be better attending school in a traditional environment. C. A video conversation cannot replace the experience of face to face interaction, so students such as traditional setting students, who thrive on the quick exchange of ideas between professor and students may find that they prefer the class room environment more. II. COST AND CONVIENCE The purpose of continuing your education is to learn and develop new skills, but cost and convenience play a vital factor in your choice. A. The cost of an online education is less expensive, due to the fact you do have to pay for books, transportation, or other traditional cost of on
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