One Snowy Winter Night

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One snowy winter night I received the call that changed my life forever. My mentor for anything I ever had a desire to learn more about was in the hospital and in critical condition. They did not know if he would pull through, let alone wake up. My dad said he might not be the same man that taught me how to ride dirt bikes, fly his airplane, use a backhoe, wrestle, and even build air planes. I learned so much from him. Basically anytime he invited me to his house to help him, or just to have fun, he always took that extra step to pass his knowledge on to me and answer every little question I had. My mentor, my second father is what I like to call him, is a very athletic man. He took third in the state for wrestling and had amazing balance, but on that winter night he climbed only on an eight-foot ladder and disaster struck. As he searched the shelves high above the garage floor looking for airplane parts he could sell on eBay. The ladder slipped out from under him and as he fell his temple hit the corner of his work bench. Twenty minutes later, when his wife found him unconscious, blood rushed from his ears. When I received the phone call that the man I considered to be superman suffered a coma, I did not believe it. I thought my dad was playing some kind of sick joke on me, but when he arrived home from work and I saw the tears in his eyes I knew this was no joke. My dad held me as I crumbled into his chest, and cried harder than I ever had in my life. He suffered in a coma for two months. Finally stable enough to be woken up I went to see him. The man who could literally do anything he put his mind to now had tubes coming out of him connected to machines and holes in his head to release the pressure from his skull. He could not even put his socks on without somebody helping him. Seeing my friend, my mentor, like this changed me. I realized I
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