Obama Care Culture

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In this paper I will discuss how the culture of a healthcare organization can improve hospital outcomes. Obama Care is a health care organization implemented through the democratic administration that helps individuals have a smoother medical experience by means of preventive care services, the Summary of Budgets Committee for nutritional benefits before and after a hospital stay, emergency room insurance acceptance with no turn away, pre existing condition and grandfathered insurance. Healthcare, 2012 show that the organizational design of Obama Care which consist of legislation to create health care, are a joint effort among the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the Department of the Treasury. This healthcare organization to benefit hospital outcomes is the government’s reconstruction of the private marketplace and makes access to all for health care without penalty for pre existing conditions. In fact, you may be…show more content…
In conclusion, Obama Care is a health care organization implemented through the democratic administration that helps individuals have a smoother medical experience by means of preventive care services, the Summary of Budgets Committee for nutritional benefits before and after a hospital stay, emergency room insurance acceptance with no turn away, pre existing condition and grandfathered insurance. This healthcare organization has been developed to provide Americans with an improved experience for hospital stays so that each citizen will not have to endure private health care disparities that deprive the young and old with medical care that only the rich have the privileged to…show more content…
Key Features of the Law: Take Healthcare into Your Own Hands. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved on November 09, 2012 from
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