Nvq 3 Promoting Health and Safety

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Unit 8 - Promote and Implement Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Learning outcome 1.2 - Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of legislation that covers related health and safety in England. It sets out mainly the employers responsibilities for your health and safety whilst in the workplace. Health and safety executives should complete adequate risk assessments thereby adhering to the Health and Safety Act. It is also the employee's duty to take care and time to read the risk assessment reports and follow any changes that have been made. All staff should follow the changes that have been put into place and not outside of job role. Things such as medication and moving and handling unless training and been provided and completed by the employee. Learning outcome 1.3 - Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities of: · self - you should take training courses that are offered by your employer. You should know the codes of practice at your workplace. Workers should report any hazards immediately to the person in charge of Health and Safety. Employees should also be wearing the correct uniform and P.P.E. All employees are responsible for anyone who could be affected by their actions at work. · the employer or manager - must provide employees with the correct uniform and protective clothing. Information should be given out, things such as leaflets and posters around the workplace, booklets given at the start of their employment. These should contain legislations and the rights'wrongs of Health and Safety etc. Training must be provided for employees. Employers must also do routine checks, risk assessments and supervisions. · others in the work setting - other people such as office staff, clients immediate family and anyone else who may

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