Nursing Ethics And Practice

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The Nursing Code of Ethics covers respect and dignity in relationships with patients and colleagues. The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient. The nurse advocates for privacy and confidentiality of the patient and is responsible for reporting unsafe practice. He or she is expected to be responsible and held accountable for his actions, including delegation of tasks. Nurses must be of a high integrity, have self-respect, be willing to grow professionally and educationally and have a strong moral fiber. The nurse must disregard his own prejudices and advocate for their patients no matter, what race, social economic status, personal attributes, disease processes, and nature of health problem or lifestyle. It is the duty of the nurse to show compassion and care to all patients. The code of ethics is followed in every aspect of my practice and everyday life. Starting from the time I wake up to begin my day, to when I walk on to the hospital unit to begin my shift, to reporting off, and continues even after I leave the building and go home. The code of ethics is designed to promote respect and health, prevent disease and complication, prevent errors, keep the patient safe and protect the privacy of the patient. Practicing the code of ethics begins with privacy and hand off report from the previous shift nurse. Report is given in a quiet area where only appropriate providers can discuss the patients care. Privacy also extends to walking in the halls of the hospital, outside of the hospital and communicating on the telephone. It is a violation to talk about patients and their care outside of the unit; in fact, the only parties that should be discussing the patients care are the primary caregivers, the patients’ physician, the patient and or their decision makers or powers of attorney. After I finish receiving my reports, I go to assess my patients. If

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