New England Colony Essay

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In New England the reasons for founding the colonies are that they wanted to make settlements and freedom of religion. Economic activities was rich country is fishing areas along the Atlantic Coast and became very wealthy. The settlement patterns are small towns surrounded by farms. The religious groups and religious freedom in this colony is Christianity and Catholic. Geographic features are excellent grounds for new settlements. Colonial leaders are William Bradford, John Winthrop, Thomas Hooker, Roger Williams, and John Wheelwright. System of labor is the slavery from Africa. Education: Fathers were responsible for the education of their children, apprentices, and indentured servants living within their households. Formal schools first appeared in the colonies in 1630 and in 1635 the Boston Latin School was established. It was the first town supported school and it established a pattern of local control or the educational system.…show more content…
Economic activities were variety of artisans, shopkeepers, and merchants provided services to the growing farming population. The settlement patterns is Plantations and large family farms. Religious groups and religious freedom: 1Puritans- people who want to make church worship simpler. 2Anglicans- a member of a church in England or church communion. 3 Quaker- a group of Christians who use no scripture and believe in great simplicity in daily life. The geographic features are: 1Excellent for Farming. 2Natural Harbors. 3Farmers took advantage of farm land by growing grain and raising livestock. Colonial leaders were William Penn. System of labor in this country is same as in New England slavery. Education in middle colony was open also they were taught by unmarried women called windows. Representative government: it had some local self-government. The social class is: gentry-high class, middle class, and lower

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