Biblical Views of Christian Stewardship and Ownership

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Keith Atkisson BUS303 Business for Nonprofits Essay-Week 3-Christian Stewardship and Ownership February 7, 2015 Biblical views of Christian Stewardship and Ownership To take care of, oversee, manage, and guard from harm. These four terms are a clear depiction of stewardship. On the other hand, dominion, control, and proprietorship are the terms of ownership, and if they are engaged in, they then become worldly behaviors, idols and stumbling blocks and as such are in direct opposition to God’s will and his purpose. Though stewardship is seen by most church-going members as consisting of tithing only, scripture paints an entirely different picture of what is to be expected of each believer in his life. Many believers do not count the cost of following Christ. One is told to accept the free gift of eternal life, repent of sins, join a church, and then learn to do the best one can concerning all the rest. One is usually not told about the cost of being a Christ-follower, nor does one have much of an idea of what God expects of them now that they are saved. Stewardship is entirely based on the first commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Holy Bible, NIV, Mat 22:37). Stewardship is the product of one’s new worldview that is brought about by one’s conversion. For example, how to most effectively use one’s opportunities, how one works and why, what one think and does, promoting the Gospel, living as a slave to righteous, and being a living sacrifice (Miller, n.d). Everything one has, including time, assets, effort, works, mental and physical abilities, etc. belongs to God and one is to skillfully manage it; for God’s glory and not for one’s lustful cravings. Stewards are to be trustworthy (Holy Bible, NIV, l Cor 10:26). One is to multiply the resources we are loaned (Holy Bible NIV, Mat 25:14-30).

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